Ramblings on life as I attempt to grasp a better understanding of God and how He is connected with It.


My Favorite Movies

I Like Movies...

Just in case you were wondering, I've compiled my "Top Ten" movie list. Counting down to my favorite, the order is:

10. Signs
I am a huge M. Knight S. fan. Signs barely beats out Unbreakable, but it is such an outstanding film. Few movies have given me chills like the moment that Mel Gibson finally sees the whole picture, and finally understands "swing away." Now, most of the other films that have given me chills are listed below.
Favorite Scene: "Swing Away."

9. Star Wars.
The saga in its entirety is outstanding. If I "had" to narrow this pick down to (technically) one movie, I would have to pick Episode III. Sorry if you're one of those fans who feels that Episodes I, II and III don't compare to the originals, but this final installment was a masterpiece. 
Favorite Scene: "Can I learn these powers?" | "...not from a Jedi."

8. Cinderella Man
This film has inspired me to love my wife and family, and to fight to be a man of integrity. I love the values instilled in this film, and the manner in which Russell Crowe fights for his family. Also, his dependence on his wife is a beautiful picture of the way that I am connected to Deonna. We are together, or we are nothing.
Favorite Scene: When Russell Crowe gets his mouth guard knocked out, but he doesn't hit the floor. 

7. V For Vendetta
Just an awesome film. I loved the action, the anticipation for the fifth of November, and the dialogue. 
Favorite Scene: The Domino Rally.

6. The Lord of the Rings
Same thing with Star Wars. There is no better Movie Trilogy than The Lord of the Rings. If I had to pick one of the three films, I would probably say The Return of the King.
Favorite Scene: " 'Don't you leave him Samwise Gamgee, don't you leave him.' And I don't mean to."

5. Gladiator
Now we're into my Top Five. These films are all outstanding. The plot line of Gladiator is just awesome. His determination and passion make such an incredible story. 
Favorite Scene: "The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick."

4. The Shawshank Redemption
Tim Robbins is great in this film, and I love the "realness" of the movie. It is a tragedy, filled with hope. This is my movie that anytime I start it, or anytime I flip through the channels and it's on, no matter what else is going on, I have to stay until the end. 
Favorite Scene: "Everybody's in on it... even her..."

3. The Matrix
The original just blew me away. Clearly the greatest Science Fiction film ever made.
Favorite Scene: "I Knew it. He's the one." 
[Close Second: "Not like 'dis... not like 'dis."]

2. Braveheart
However cliché this movie has become, it will forever be "The Movie" for men. 
Favorite Scene: Mel Gibson haunting the guy's dream before he bursts in to his bedchamber.

1. The Truman Show
There you have it. My favorite film. I love this movie because it is unique, never gets old, and portrays a desperate search for the Truth. 
Favorite Scene: "Who you talking to? What does this have to do with anything?"

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