Ramblings on life as I attempt to grasp a better understanding of God and how He is connected with It.


01—On The Atonement

Did Christ's Death Atone for ALL SIN?

If Yes—What then is Hell the penalty for, for the unbeliever?

If No—How do we understand that Christ died for the "sins of world?"—and other such texts: Isa53:6, Jn 3:15–16, 2Co 5:14–15, 1Tm 2:3–6, Tit 2:1, Heb 9:26, 1Jn 2:2, 1 Jn 4:14


Anonymous said...

My response will probably be more questions than answers...1st question: When sin entered the world it brought with it death, is this simply physical death or also spiritual death. When we accept the gift of salvation we are given new life in this world and the next. So could hell have been created as a penalty for sin and with Christ sacrifice become a place for those who are spiriually dead when there life on this world ends? Could it's purpose have changed? If heaven is new life than death can not exist there, i mean it is called the book of life lol... but ya this is just a random thought late at night no real biblical basis..probably way off base but im sleepy...dont be so rude kyle=)

Kyle said...

I'll attempt to answer these questions...

1. I think sin brought forth both physical death and spiritual death. The effect of sin corrupts all creation, and all of man: both Flesh and Spirit.

2. Yes, I believe that salvation brings "New Life," rather, we become a "New Creation." I would have to agree also that Hell IS a penalty for sin, and the final destination of all evil/sin. Hell is prepared for the Devil and his demons... and all those who will follow him (instead of the Lord) in a life of evil.

3. I'm not sure if I understand what you mean about the purpose of Hell changing. I don't see it so much as changing as I see it as the place in which all sin and evil will ultimately end up. Thus, Christ's death paid the penalty for my sin, and He took my evil and has placed it in Hell.

4. I agree about Heaven being completely free from death... death is a result of sin and all sin will be done away with... Dude, it will be awesome.

—ALSO—Joey, you're the man for putting the first comments on my blog (well, almost the first)