Ramblings on life as I attempt to grasp a better understanding of God and how He is connected with It.


02—On God's Will

In one of my classes this week, my professor began a discussion on God's will. Most Christians believe, or recognize, three "wills" of God: Sovereign, Moral and Individual.

God's Sovereign Will is the ultimate will of God, as humans we can see this looking BACK in time but trust that God is absolutely in control of the future. God's sovereign will: what God wants, happens. Example: It is God's will that the Devil will be cast into the Lake of Fire and tormented forever.

God's Moral will is what He desires consistently from every human, being that we would strive to be holy (like Him) and pursue a relationship with Him. For God's moral will we have the Bible. It lays out everything that we need to understand God's moral will for our lives, and this will is the same for all believers. Example: It is God's will for me to be sexually pure and a servant to others.

Lastly, we come to God's Individual will for all persons. This is basically the belief that God has a specific will—different from any other person—for my life. God has a preconceived will for the outcome of my life... really, for each day of my life. Example: It is God's will for me to go to Dallas Theological Seminary.

My question is this: Does God really have an individual will for all people?


Anonymous said...

If our relationship with GOD is individual than I believe that His will for my life would inlike be individual. I think the end result and the course of all our lives is uniform in the purpose of glorifying GOD in our everything, but the specifics of His will are defined in each and every relationship. But thats just a thought....

Kyle said...

I agree with you that every relationship is unique, but I'm not so sure that God has a pre-established WILL for me... like He literally planned every single decision for me. I have no idea, and I used to hold to this view strongly... but now I'm not too sure.