Ramblings on life as I attempt to grasp a better understanding of God and how He is connected with It.


How "Perfect" Will We Be?

The Bible is clear that we will be resurrected. The last enemy that God will destroy is death (1Co 15:26) and once our physical bodies are raised, our spiritual being will be re-united with our physical body. We will then, finally, be perfect, just as God intended us to be... the end result of Jesus' redeeming work, the most beautiful rescue mission of all time.

However, will we be PERFECT? Without spot and blemish? I tend to think yes... because I don't think that Adam and Eve had (nor knew) any corruption in the Garden. Yet as of now, Jesus is the only person to have an imperishable body, for He has already been resurrected post-death. He is the only person who will never experience death (except of course for those who have already passed and perhaps Enoch and Elijah?). Jesus is the only one who has experienced the resurrection, He is the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (1Co 15:20).

It's curious, that Jesus has experienced RESURRECTION, yet He has scars (Jn 20:27). Perhaps He is the only person who will have scars once we are in the perfect, eternal state. His scars will be the everlasting parchment which tells the story of God's love toward us, and the redemption which took place as a result of that love. 

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